EH Bildu and the PNV would have 27 seats, according to the Government Sociometer
  • Nationalists would fall from 31 current parliamentarians to 27. Crananists from 21 to 27. The present coalition government would retain the majority. Abstention would be around 39 per cent in three territories.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2024ko otsailaren 09a
EAJren jaitsiera iragartzen du Soziometroak. Dena den, PSE-EErekin elkartuta, 38ko gehiengora helduko lirateke. (Argazkia: EAJ)

The Sociometer commissioned by the Presidency of the Basque Government came to light on Friday morning and the report announces the expected competition: there would be a tie between the PNV and EH Bildu. The sovereign coalition would be the first force in Álava and Gipuzkoa, and the nationalists would win in Bizkaia.

Photo of the Basque Parliament

The current distribution shows the hegemony of the NIP: The PNV has 31; EH Bildu 21; PSE-EE 10; Elkarrekin Valencia-IU 6; PP-C'sk 6; and Vox 1.

But the sociometer report announces strong competition between the PNV and EH Bildu. In fact, the focus has been placed on the 27 draw. Therefore, according to the survey, the PNV would lose four and EH Bildu would earn six. The PSE-EE would also have a rise – one seat in Álava – while Podemos would be about to disappear – it would get one seat in Bizkaia – because two seats are given to Sumarri, in Álava and in Gipuzkoa. The PP would keep theirs eliminating C's and Vox would keep theirs.

Results elections July 2020, current distribution.

In Álava, from PNV to EH Bildu

The Sociometer provides for a movement of votes in the Alavese territory. The PNV took nine seats in 2020, 32% of the votes, and has now given seven reports, 25% of the votes.

EH Bildu would be those two nationalist seats – eight – and become the most voted party – almost 30%.

The Sociometer says you can lose the two armchairs that Podemos has, one of them to the PSE-EE and another to Sumar. The PP and Vox would keep their parliamentarians.

In Bizkaia, the PNV continues to dominate

EH Bildu won six parliamentarians in 2020, 24% of the votes, and the PNV twelve – 42%. The sociometer says the Jeltzales would lose one seat and the two sovereign winners, one lost by the PNV and another by Podemos. Others would keep theirs.

Gipuzkoa, EH Bildu win

In 2020 the PNV drew EH Bildu only two thousand votes, but now the Sociometer has announced the victory of EH Bildu. The report provides for the sovereign coalition to reach eleven parliamentarians, three more than at present and 39% of the votes, while the PNV loses four points in the votes, one seat down, nine.

Together we could lose two seats he has, one to win Sumar and one to EH Bildu. The PP would keep its seat.