The Baztango Independentea group changes its mind and opposes the Arxuria road project
  • The new vote will take place on 17 October. Speaking with the neighbours of Sara and Zugarramurdi, the Baztango Independiente group announces its vote against.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2023ko urriaren 12a
Arxuria mendian egin nahi den errepidearen kontra mobilizaturik da saratar eta zugarramurdiar andana.

Although on 28 September the Baztan City Council voted by an absolute majority in favour of the construction of a road on Mount Arxuria, it seems that the support is not so clear because in recent days the elected representatives of the Baztango Independiente group have changed their position: "Our position was wrong and correction is needed." They convey our sincere apologies to the "affected", making it clear that on 17 October they will vote against the draft in the new vote. On 28 September EH Bildu filed a motion to stop the project, but all the other parties were against it.

One kilometre of road would be built for the benefit of the private company Bidasoa Arxuria Group, which proposes delta and paragliding flights. That's not what saratarras and zugarramurdi want.


The citizens and elected officials of Sara and Zugarramurdi have organised a demonstration against the project on 21 October. In view of the changes in recent days, the mobilisation may be cancelled: if 17 October is voted against the road, then there will be no demonstration.