The "ice man" of the Alps was dark and dark eyes
  • The latest tests carried out on the body of the Neolithic pastor, mummified in the Alps in 1991 and found in a very good state, show the prejudices of the current scientific community, which until now has been represented with hairs and white skin, as it is really dark and almost bald.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2023ko abuztuaren 17a
Ötziren errekonstrukzioa Hego Tiroleko museoan, azal zuri eta iletsu ageri zaigu. Argazkia: Hego Tiroleko museoa / Ochsenreiter

The latest genetic tests on the Neolithic man named Ötzi have given rise to a surprise among scientists and have shown that his "erroneous and prejudiced" image has spread so far.

The shepherd's mummified body was discovered in 1991 by some mountaineers in the Alps. In such a good state, archaeologists and historians have been able to analyze Europeans 5,300 years ago, analyzing Ötzi's clothes, physicist and genomes. Thus, it has been known what habits the people had at the time or what diseases they suffered and how the "icy man" died with an arrow.

Man has so far been represented by white skin and clear eye and moon. The real size figure installed at the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology also made something like this appear. But a new genetic study published by the journal Cell Genomic has turned this belief upside down.

Analyzing the mummified body. Photo: South Tyrol Archaeological Museum / Marion Lafogler

Ötzi had brown skin, dark and almost bald eyes. "It is clear that reconstruction has been a mistake so far, due to our current prejudices about a European Stone Age human being," explains Max Planck, director of the CNN Institute of Anthropology of Evolution.

Furthermore, the investigation has revealed the origin of this man, apparently the ancestors of Ötzi were the first peasants of Anatolia. This means that migration in Europe was already widespread thousands of years ago and is not a third.