Verses "new" from 1826, placed on the doneztebe that left six women pregnant
  • Researcher Ricardo Urritzola has found a selection of verses in the Archivo Real de Navarra and Ekaitz Santazilia has been analyzed by the professors of the Universidad Pública de Navarra. They were drafted following a complaint lodged against Master Fermin Altxu Beristain.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko abuztuaren 16a
Doneztebe. Argazkia: Euskalduna / CC BY-SA 3.0

Navarre was the kingdom by its own justice system, where litigation was judged, and all the documentation of the justice system is deposited in the Archivo Real y General de Navarra. This year the cataloguing of the 19th century litigious processes has been completed and have been consulted.

Ricardo Urritzola goes to the archive in his spare time and during the exploration finds a lot of fourteen verses written to Master Fermin Altxu Beristain, who left six women pregnant. The philosopher Ekaitz Santazilia has analyzed the verses.

Teacher Altxu of Doneztebe / Santesteban left six women pregnant and one of them reported. At that time she had not seen herself well pregnant outside the wedding. In the documents of the trial against the Treasury there are statements by various doneztebe/Santesteban, one in favor of women and the other in defense of the teacher. Instead, the bertso triggers "wonders" of the teacher: "...I was standing in the skin of the males," he ends.

The teacher taught how to read and write to the population, and thus left pregnant women and girls from Donamaria, Donestebe and Pamplona. Finally, Altxu was convicted and sent to Ceuta for eight years.

As for authorship, there is doubt. It was thought that it could be the letter of Real Notary Norberto Goienetxe, and therefore perhaps the verses themselves, but the Basque is not from Doneztebe, but from Guipuzkoan. Santazilia has said that bertsolari is a non-cult writer, but that authorship cannot be known.

Prohibited verses?

At that time the verses were used to communicate among the citizens and to disseminate them orally, and in this case to account for the Altxu judgment.

“When the verses reached the court, it was also common to extend the ban on singing and spreading the verses,” explains Santazilia in the published interview. Maybe that's why they weren't too much in circulation and today we were unknown.

In this case, it has been possible to save the verses, and both researchers have been satisfied, “they give good information to those who investigate the history of the Basque Country”. They have observed that in Doneztebe/Santesteban there may be verses for gipuzkoa and that the Basque country moved a lot at that time. A broader scientific article is now being prepared.

Verses of 1823:

1- I start with a
beautiful song, learn to
undo the ballet
of Bertiza.Sin
tell the
truth, I can't leave it:
the youth
there lives enchanted.

2- Don Fermin is
the master of Santesteban.
The school
already placed has no pain.
We know what
a agile man
is, who has
made great wonders.

3- He says he writes
a lot and clear.
So he
should put dwarfanza.El
man is not working better, he
he has four ladies
bravas in the village.

4- Being a good teacher
is not my miracle; I had many years
early learning.
I am very clear
about your accounts:
He has
had two others in Pamplona.

5- It has a light hand and a
pen is a pizuba.
Knowing everything
in his trade.
Even though I am frightened and
frightened, for the ladies
escort, what a teacher!

6- He put the
school intentionally, because
anyone is trained for
Siñale throughout
Navarre is the father of
children before marriage.

7- The tenant was not
by love, Martina went
to school.
They have their
real work in the document.
So what
I enjoyed now is pain.

8- You are the
gaisa Mari Martin.

You're curious.
If you liked it,
prepared man, you
will be denied
the floor.

9- He then worked
with you.
he turned to another
and achieved what he
wanted: a
young lady, who is

10- In the sight of so
young, so young,
so tender and
intense, there was Bitoriana.
He would like
to act in this
area, which the sad one
has not achieved either.

11- Lady Bitoriana,
has no eye: the
wants you, but not little.
Live with you
what you would have liked,
leaving you to those
you feel.

12- Make
a safe
income that
man would want.
He says he works
a lot and cheap.
He says he's belly
to Francisco.

13- In Navarre there are no such
in Nunbai there is also
another bully.
Even if kept, closed

doors will ever appear
dead or alive.

14- Today he has six
women in office.
See who gets into
that degree!
Nobody equals it within Spain:
I'd be
standing on the
skin of the males.