An open letter to Noa from the Basque Country
  • Some culture and academic people from the Basque Country, committed to the international BDS campaign, have written an open letter to the Israeli singer Noa.

Biladi Hadi 2014ko ekainaren 17a


An open letter to Noa

-Culture and academic people from the Basque Country-

The first days of July, you are going to give a concert in the Jazz Festival of Vitoria-Gasteiz, and this is why some culture people from the Basque Country write to you this open letter. We have already read the letter you wrote about Gaza massacre in 2009. We have also read and heard you some other time that you are in favour of peace, in favour of the two states solution and you despise the same way the terrible things the two sides have suffered… We do not dare tell anyone which type of political solution, which border or which type of society should be. This is not something we should do. However, in our opinion, whatever solution will be taken, it should build based on human rights. For this reason, we ask you to agree with these three declarations:

•    The Palestinians are discriminated because their origin in Israel as the black  in the South-African Apartheid. This Apartheid must be interrupted.

•    Gaza and the West Bank are occupied by military, full of colonies, divided by the apartheid wall: the occupation must be forsaken.

•    Since Israel was created, since the Palestinian “Al-Naqba”, millions of Palestinian had to abandon their lands, their homes… they have the right of return.

A similar campaign was done worldwide against the South-African apartheid. At that time, together with millions of people, culture and academic people defended it. Nowadays also, it is happening the same way, and there are more and more artists, culture and academic people that agree with this approach as we do. You have spoken several times about peace in your concerts and talks; do you think that this peace should be built on the three Palestinian declarations?



- Fermin Muguruza, Mursego, Petti, Jon Aranburu, Txerra Bolinaga, Anje Duhalde, Arramazka, Mikel Urdangarin (musicians)

- Mikel Martinez, Galder Perez, Ane Zabala, Mikel Erguin (theatre players)

- Oihana Bartra, Oihane Perea, Onintza Enbeita, Igor Elortza, Uxue Alberdi, Manex Agirre, Jagoba Apaolaza, Miren Amuriza, Estitxu Eizagirre, Miren Artetxe, Fredi Paia (bertsolaris)

- Ainere Tolosa (actress)

- Tytti Thusberg (designer and artist)

- Iban Zaldua, Eider Rodriguez, Castillo Suarez, Lander Garro, Xabier Mendiguren, Xabier Susperregi, Txema Arinas (writers)

- Bertol Arrieta (writer/film maker)

- Mikel Ayerbe, Txetxu Pardo, JM Rivadeneyra, Josetxo Aizpurua, Arantza Gutierrez Paz, Ricardo Gomez, Nicolas Xamardo, Txema Preciado, Luis Goitiandia, Pablo Lekue, Fito Rodriguez (Professors of University of the Basque Country), Amelia Barquin (Professor of Huezi), Berezi Elorrieta (Professor of the University of Barcelona)